Unusual Temples in India

Bullet Banna Temple, Pali

Experience the mystical journey at Bullet Baba Temple, where a motorcycle holds divine significance.

Karni Mata Temple, Deshnoke

Discover the extraordinary Karni Mata Temple, where rats are revered as sacred beings.

Visa Balaji Temple, Hyderabad

Seek divine intervention at Chilkur Balaji Temple—the place where prayers meet passports.

Aeroplane Gurudwara, Punjab

Discover the extraordinary Aeroplane Gurudwara where offering toy planes during prayers is believed to bring visa wishes to fruition. 

Kal Bhairav Nath Temple, Madhya Pradesh

Discover the mystique of Ujjain's Kal Bhairav Nath Temple, where devotees offer liquor to the fierce form of Lord Shiva. 

Embark on a soul-stirring journey through the mystical tapestry of India's extraordinary temples. From the divine significance of motorcycles at Bullet Baba Temple to the sacred rats of Karni Mata Temple, each destination unfolds a unique tale.

Dashed Trail

MOre Stories

Places to visit in Winters