New Year 2024: List of Things to Avoid During New Year

New Year 2021: List of Things to Avoid

The New Year 2021 is just around the corner. Given the challenging year, 2020 has been, people are really looking forward to 2021 to bring hope and good health globally. Although December ushers in the holiday season motivating people to travel to new locations to celebrate New Year’s Eve in style, the current circumstances, however, make it difficult to do so this year.

To those travelling amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to plan carefully. Your safety has to be the topmost priority here. You need to check how safe the place you are travelling to will be, the hygiene aspects of the hotel you pick, and how effectively you can practice social distancing.

Top Things to Avoid if You are Travelling This New Year 2024.

  1. Drinking more than you can handle – New Year does not always have to be about alcohol and getting drunk. If you are in a new place, it is always safer to drink in moderation. Take time to enjoy the new place without the alcohol buzz ruining it for you. Too much alcohol can also make you forget your safety.
  2. Picking a crowded tourist spot – Crowd means an excess risk of exposure to the coronavirus. Choose a location, hotel or event, which is practising the advised social distancing and coronavirus norms.
  3. Getting too comfortable and careless – Yes, travel plans are meant to be fun and relaxing. This New Year though, you have to ensure you are following social distancing and the right hygiene practices. Wear your masks all the time, keep that hand sanitizer handy and avoid touching surfaces to prevent falling sick.

Concerns you should have while planning a trip

People have handled months of lockdown inside their homes most of 2020. It is no surprise that the thought of a vacation excites them. Here are some exclusive pointers to keep in mind while planning a trip this New Year’s during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keeping these factors in mind will keep you and your co-traveller safe and protected wherever you travel to.

1. How safe is the hotel you plan to stay in?

Is the hotel following hygiene practices? Does the hotel’s website explain how rooms are cleaned and sanitised? Not checking out the hotel’s updated hygiene practices in advance can bring you trouble. Give the hotel reception a ring and get the details clarified.

2. What kind of location have you picked?

It is a safer option to choose hotels or resorts that are away from the tourist and local crowds. Hotels that have enough outdoor space to help guests practice social distancing and still enjoy the ambience are good choices.

3. How are you going to travel?

For short distances, driving out is the best option. Your car is safer than public travel modes like buses and trains. For longer distances, flights are safer. Most airplanes have HEPA filters (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters and these keep your risks of infection very low.

4. How will you manage food?

You will have to eat at least 3 major meals a day, apart from all the travel-hunger pangs you get. Hotels that deliver food to your room or those that have kitchenettes are better than those that make you visit the restaurant to eat. Check this out before you book your room.

Covid-19 has brought about a lot of changes in people’s lives already. If you want to take a break and travel for this New Year, then do keep in mind all these points. Wear your mask all the time and carry a sanitiser with you. Pick the right hotel and you can welcome 2021 safely and joyfully.

This post was last modified on 17-Aug-2023

Sargun Preet Kaur: Sargun has an appetite for challenges and creative hurdles that can help her grow as she conquers them one by one. With an innate desire to travel the world, she weaves through life by visiting her dream destinations. When not in her creative zone, Sargun loves to smash in badminton and binge-watch her favourite shows.
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