7 Beach Hacks in India That You Should Know on Your Vacation

Vacations Hacks

“An ocean breeze puts a mind at ease”

People adore the idea of chilling at a beach, indulging in water sports or simply taking a swim in the ocean. But for a few, beaches induce a feeling of dread as it involves rigorous planning, packing and tricks for surviving a day under the sun.

In order to make sure that you are ready to face the sun, sand and sea, we have carefully compiled some of the most useful beach hacks. Keep reading…

1. For Protecting Valuables

One of the biggest challenges faced at a beach is to protect your gadgets and cash from getting wet or lost. You can protect your cell phone and cash by keeping them in a sealed plastic or sandwich bag which will prevent moisture from getting inside. In case you are travelling alone, you may also want to tie that bag around your neck with a shoelace for security purposes.

2. To Tackle Wet Sand

If you’ve ever been to a beach, then you must be familiar with the irritation that is caused when wet sand gets stuck on your skin and hair. Well, the best beach hack for removing wet sand from your skin & hair is by applying baby powder. Talcum powder will absorb moisture from the sand, making it dry and easy to rinse off.

3. To Clean Ear Canals

In case water enters your ear canals while swimming or splish-splashing, you can easily clean it by blowing air into a balloon. Blowing air into a balloon will create pressure inside the ear canals. Thus, pushing the water and dirt out of your ears.

4. For Treating Sunburns

A well-tanned body is always appreciated but not the sunburnt. You must carry a minimum of SPF 30 sunscreen and apply it every 20 minutes for keeping your skin safe from the harmful UV rays. Also, you can extract the pulp of the aloe vera plant and freeze it in the form of ice-cubes. Aloe Vera ice-cubes are known for treating sunburns within a short period of time.

5. To Stay Hydrated


In order to beat the heat, you must carry plenty of water or lemonade. There are chances that you will have to pay a handsome amount of money for buying a refreshing drink at the beach shack. So, save money by carrying your own lemonade, slushy or smoothies and stay hydrated.

6. To Keep Drinks & Snacks Fresh

Ice packs can be life-saving at the beaches. Ice packs help in keeping your drinks cold and snacks fresh. Now, a better way of utilising the ice packs will be to use frozen water bottles instead of conventional ice packs so that you can also drink them once they are melted.

7. To Relax Till Forever

Before going to a beach, you must be prepared to set up a bohemian tent which will provide you shade and will save you from excess sun. So, if you want to just relax and enjoy your favourite paperback, then you will surely require the skills to set up a tent.

Now that we have mentioned some of the cleverest and most reliable beach hacks, what’re you waiting for? Pack your bags and head out on a beach trip with your loved ones for an unforgettable experience.

This post was last modified on 08-Aug-2023

Sargun Preet Kaur: Sargun has an appetite for challenges and creative hurdles that can help her grow as she conquers them one by one. With an innate desire to travel the world, she weaves through life by visiting her dream destinations. When not in her creative zone, Sargun loves to smash in badminton and binge-watch her favourite shows.
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