Post-Christmas Detox: Welcome NY-2024 on a Healthy Note

Post-Christmas Detox: Welcome the New Year on a Healthy Note

Christmas is right around the corner, and we all know it means late-night parties, drinking and binging on a whole lot of delicious treats! While all this sounds very tempting, it is most likely to leave you feeling bloated, lethargic and agitated. There comes a point where your body just cannot take anymore and starts giving you a signal that it is time to stop. And, that is exactly when you should consider giving this end-of-year routine a break and treat your body with a healthy detox.

There are many benefits of a post-Christmas detox, the most important being that of your body purifying and getting rid of the waste that has accumulated inside. Although a detox might help you lose holiday weight, its main objective is to boost energy levels and promote overall wellbeing.

Already thinking of checking yourself in an expensive spa? Well, there is no need. There are a variety of food items that are available at your regular supermarket and some lifestyle changes that can be easily implemented and will help you feel light, refreshed and re-energised. Here are the best foods to detox after Christmas celebrations.

1. Cranberry Juice for the Kidneys

Cranberry Juice for the Kidneys

Cranberries are rich in a chemical, called quinine, which has healing properties and helps remove toxins from kidneys, bladder and prostate gland. It also enhances levels of good cholesterol and mobilises fat cells, helping reduce your belly size.

2. Milk Thistle for the Liver

Milk Thistle for the Liver

With all the alcohol and fatty food, your liver is sure to take a hit. Help it recover from the post-festive hangover by adding milk thistle supplements to your diet. Milk thistle, which contains silymarin, has been found to be one of the most effective antioxidants that help remove toxins from the liver. Additionally, it will help you shed a few kilos as well.

3. Mediterranean Food for the Heart

Mediterranean Food for the Heart

It is a known fact that heart diseases kill more people than anything else. It is more dominant during the early months of the New Year as many of us are desperate to get back in shape as quickly as possible putting immense pressure on it. We have one of the tastiest way to take care of your heart – Mediterranean food! The ingredients used are highly rich in vitamins C and E – heart-cleansing antioxidants – that cut down the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases by a significant amount.

4. Fibre for the Intestines

Fibre for the Intestines

You have spent your days binging on mashed potatoes and red meat, and it is sure to block your intestines. This accumulated waste releases toxins that get distributed throughout your body, causing all sorts of discomfort. Fibre-rich food like oats, whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta help your body remove this waste, prevent the formation of toxins and help keep you lean.

5. Pumpkin Seeds for the Eyes

Pumpkin Seeds for the Eyes

All the late-night parties and get-togethers can leave you sleep deprived, resulting in dark circles under your eyes due to poor blood circulation. And, we bet you didn’t know this is where toxins hang around, making you look like the walking dead (pun intended!) A handful of pumpkin seeds every day will get the blood pumping, preventing the formation of dark circles and giving you bright and shiny eyes. Pumpkin seeds are natural circulation boosters and are rich in vitamins C and E that help prevent cataracts caused due to ageing.

6. Broccoli for the Lungs

Broccoli for the Lungs

Air pollution is among the biggest environmental problem in our country, so much so that many Indian metros rank high in the world’s most polluted cities. Even if you are a non-smoker, you are bound to get affected by air pollution some way or the other. And, during the festive season, when most of the people are visiting their friends or families, the effects get more adverse. Inhaling polluted air causes the build-up of toxins in the lungs, causing problems that start from difficulty in breathing and end at lung cancer. We know it is scary, but it is the harsh truth. Eating a broccoli head ever day helps clear lungs of regular smokers, and we are sure it works on non-smokers as well. Although it is not as appetising as other food items listed here, we have always known that healthy things aren’t, haven’t we?

7. Nuts for the Brain

Nuts for the Brain

Our brain is the hardest working organ of your body. It works round-the-clock, without fail, and it is burdened even more when we chug eggnog while trying to act sober. So, the brain produces some free radicals more often than we would want it to; free radicals that require antioxidants to control their number. Nuts like pecans, walnuts and hazelnuts have the highest number of antioxidants in the entire family, and these are also rich in muscle-building proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. A handful helping of these each day help clear the haze, improve brain function and allows you to think straight.

While all the above-mentioned food items are targeted towards a particular organ, a few habits like increasing water intake, drinking lemon water with apple cider vinegar daily, adding ginger to your diet, regular skin exfoliation and having an active lifestyle further help in removing toxins from the body, in turn improving your overall wellbeing.

Now, you are ready for that big, fat Christmas feast because you know how to get back in shape afterwards.

Happy binging!

Suggested Read: places to visit (near Delhi) or (India to witness snowfall) , (Affordable getaways) at new year.

This post was last modified on 20-Dec-2023

Sargun Preet Kaur: Sargun has an appetite for challenges and creative hurdles that can help her grow as she conquers them one by one. With an innate desire to travel the world, she weaves through life by visiting her dream destinations. When not in her creative zone, Sargun loves to smash in badminton and binge-watch her favourite shows.
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