Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Express (20825) is the 6th Vande Bharat Express in India, connecting the states of Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra. Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction started its operation on 11th December 2020. Indian Railways has started the 8-coach Vande Bharat Express operations instead of a 16-coach rakes configuration to replace the Tejas Express on this route.
About 20825 Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction
Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Express takes 5 hours and 30 minutes of average travel time to reach Nagpur from Bilaspur, covering a distance of 412 km. It runs with an average speed of 75 km/hr and the permissible speed is 130 km/h.
Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Schedule
Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction runs six days (Except Saturdays) a week with train number 20825. The halt time between the stations of the Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction is 2 minutes for each station.
Stations | Arrival | Departure |
Bilaspur Junction | —- | 06:45 |
Raipur Junction | 08:01 | 08:03 |
Durg Junction | 08:48 | 08:50 |
Raj Nandgaon | 09:07 | 09:09 |
Gondia Junction | 10:28 | 10:30 |
Nagpur Junction | 12:15 | —- |
Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Ticket Price
Here are the ticket prices for the Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction train:
Categories |
Chair Car (approx. in Rupees) |
Executive Chair Car (approx. in Rupees) |
Normal Ticket |
1100 |
2100 |
Tatkal Ticket |
1500 |
2500 |
Vande Bharat Train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Coach Composition
Vande Bharat Train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction has 8 Chair Cars and 1 Executive Chair Cars coaches. In executive chair car coaches, the seats can rotate 180 degrees and have aircraft-like passenger amenities.
Q: What is the Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction ticket price?
A: Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction train ticket price ranges from Rs 1100 to Rs 2100 according to the distance and class.
Q: What are the Vande Bharat Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction timings?
A: Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction timings are 06:45 am from Bilaspur Junction and reach Nagpur Junction at 12:15 pm. You can check the latest timings on the IRCTC website.
Q: What is the train number of the Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction?
A: Vande Bharat train Bilaspur Junction to Nagpur Junction Train Number is 20825.