By the time you soak in the beauty of the Taj and spend some time, pondering over life, in the Mughal Gardens, it will be afternoon. Replenish yourself with some local delicacy and get ready for an insightful tour of the Taj Museum and Gallery. Mughal Gardens is also one of the best places to visit in Agra in one day. 

Located on the west side of the gardens, the Taj museum is the place where you can find the authentic Mughal miniature paintings including, the original ivory portraits of emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Apart from these paintings, take a tour of the museum and you will find gold and silver coins dating back to the Mughal era. {Fun Fact: Do take a look at the nifty celadon plates. These were said to have split into pieces or even changed colour if the food served in them was poisonous. Such a cool thing, right?}