Also known as Sri Sri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Mahasamsthanam, Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, this is among the chief Hindu monastic institutions that treasure and propagate the non-dualism doctrine, or Advaita Vedanta and Sanatana Dharma. Established by Sri Adi Sankara, an 8th-century saint and philosopher, the Peetham has witnessed many eras and reigns – including Vijayanagara, Keladi, Maratha, and the British. Apart from its rich heritage, it draws tourists with its melting pot of different architectural styles, though Vijayanagara and Hoysala are dominant. The Peetham features two main temples, dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Saraswati. Intricate sculptures and carvings depicting gods and goddesses from the Vedic age and stories from Puranas, impressive pillars, and ancient antechambers make for a stunning look here. Goddess Saraswati sits in a beautiful golden chariot inside the Vidya Shankara Temple and is a memorable sight.