Santala Devi Temple is a notable religious landmark in Dehradun that goes by a few different names: Santaula Devi Temple and Santaura Devi Temple. Among the many attractions in Dehradun, this temple is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. Sanatala Devi and her brother are both worshipped in the temple. There is a legend that when Santala Devi and her brother saw that they were helpless against the Mughal Army, they threw down their weapons and prayed instead. A divine light suddenly flickered, and they were transformed into stone statues. Soon after the incident, a shrine was constructed inside the fort’s walls. The day they were transformed into stone statues was Saturday (Shaniwaar). Hundreds of worshippers visit the temple to pay homage. Saturdays are revered as Goddess Santala’s day; therefore, the temple’s regular footfall swells on that day.